Members Only - off season Pot Lucks
to Apr 12

Members Only - off season Pot Lucks

  • Lake O' The Woods Club (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

During the winter months, LOWC members will have the following opportunities to gather for delicious food and fellowship… and perhaps some games / movies. Stay tuned for more details on each event.

March 15th - St. Patrick's Day Potluck-at 2 pm; 3 pm for mingle / games (NOTE TIME CHANGE FOR POTLUCK)

April 12th - Spring Potluck- 3 pm for mingle / games; meal at 5 pm

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Spring Cleanup 2025
to Apr 27

Spring Cleanup 2025

  • Lake O' The Woods Club (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We know you are as excited as we are for the 2025 season to start! (opening date is Friday May 16!) Visitors are invited to join members in the annual Spring Cleanup Weekend: getting the clubhouse, pool, hot tub, and grounds in tip-top shape for the summer season.

Visitors who help with Spring Clean Up may tent camp for free on Friday 4/25 and Saturday 4/26.

*All visitors must check in at clubhouse prior to going to a work area.

Breakfast and lunch are free for participants on Saturday: 9 am doughnuts and coffee, and Lunch at 1 pm.

Check this post for rain date.

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Opening Weekend
to May 18

Opening Weekend

  • Lake O' The Woods Club (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The weather may be ideal, or it may not be, but we know you can hardly wait to visit in any case!

The Toasty Buns lunch grill is open on Saturday and Sunday (burgers, dogs, etc) between noon and 1pm.

LOWC is open to visitors 9 am - 9 pm daily from May 17 through September 28 2025

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Chili Cook-Off
6:00 PM18:00

Chili Cook-Off

Chili Cook-off

There will be a prize for best recipe voted on by those who participate in the dinner.

Menu: Chili, Toppings, Grilled Cheese, Green Salad, Corn Bread, and Dessert

Price to be determined.

There will be many different recipes to be judged, plus a large pot of chili provided by the Entertainment Committee. 

Please sign up @ Clubhouse Bulletin Board

Use our disposable plates and utensils, or, if you’d rather, you are welcome to bring your own reusable plates and utensils.

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Tail Gate Party @ Lake O' The Woods Campground
6:00 PM18:00

Tail Gate Party @ Lake O' The Woods Campground

Join us at the tent campground area for a Tail Gate Party

Contact Entertainment Director, Kim to volunteer for bringing a dish to share.

All guests welcome. Cash donations appreciated.

Stay around for a community bonfire.

(In case of inclement weather, the meal and sing-a-long will be held at the clubhouse.)

Use our disposable plates and utensils, or you are welcome to bring your own reusable plates and utensils.

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Karaoke @ Don & Jill's
7:30 PM19:30

Karaoke @ Don & Jill's

Join us after our Summer Solstice Dinner for Karaoke at Don & Jill’s house.

Everyone is welcome to come perform your favorite karaoke song or to enjoy listening to others. We have had several talented members and guests entertain us during previous karaoke nights!

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LOWC Member Christmas Party
5:00 PM17:00

LOWC Member Christmas Party

Please join us for a festive evening with friends and neighbors. Pot Luck Dinner starts at 5:00 followed by an optional gift exchange. Participants in the gift exchange, please bring a wrapped gift (budget set at $25). Please specify if the gift is for a male, female, or either).

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Members Only - Friend's Giving Potluck & Game Night
2:00 PM14:00

Members Only - Friend's Giving Potluck & Game Night

All A & AA members are invited to attend our first ‘off-season’ gathering of the 2024/2025 season.

Mark your calendars for a delightful gathering where you can unwind and enjoy great company. Doors will open at 2 pm to mingle, play cards or board games and relax.

Please bring a dish to share with everyone and sign up ahead of time with dish you plan to bring. The meal will be served at 5 pm.

Bring your own beverages also.

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Fall Cleanup Weekend - getting the Club ready for winter
to Oct 6

Fall Cleanup Weekend - getting the Club ready for winter

  • Lake O' The Woods Club (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Many hands make light work, make plans to lend your help for clean up!

Dam Inspection (1/2 Hour) with Marie. Sager Road - Litter pick up crew. Tennis Courts - put away umbrella, boxes and both nets in garage. Pool - Clean pool cover; move toys to garage; cover speakers; redove/tag/fold and store blue shade banners; stack chairs and cover with tarp. Landscaping - separate list, see Mary T. Clubhouse (Kim W and Amanda T) - Move merch cabinet to barn; prep lobby to paint; prep porch to paint (painting 10/11 & 12); Clean porch fridges; rake/clean north dumpster area; move lattice well screen to garage. Grounds - See Jim or Astrid. Beaches/Lawn - move floating dock to beach; move solar shower to garage; beach the raft; put toys away in boathouse; stack lounge chairs and cover with tarp; fold tables; clean/stack boats and boards; secure sailboat and paddle; bring boats up from East Pier. RV Area - Turn off water and pressure tank; Turn breakers off; Store chairs in shelter at campground. East Pier - stack lounge chairs; put umbrellas in garage; clean for painting; empty fridge; beach the raft.

Visitors are welcome to help with cleanup. Any visitors* wishing to tent camp may do so at no cost 10/4 and or 10/5.

*All visitors must check in at clubhouse prior to going to a work area.

Saturday FREE Breakfast @ 9 am: Doughnuts and coffee. Lunch also free - 1 pm.

We are also doing a canned/non-perishable Food Drive for Hilltop Neighborhood House. Please bring items to share. You may also visit their website at: Hilltop | Home (

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Last Week for Visitors
to Sep 29

Last Week for Visitors

  • Lake O' The Woods Club (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for all of your favorite activities and delicious food one more week… if you are a visitor.

Check out the Membership information online or when you check in with the gatekeepers.

Make plans to rent a member-owned AirBNB and you can still enjoy our beautiful trails for just $10 more per day.

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Hordervy Wednesday
5:00 PM17:00

Hordervy Wednesday

H’ordervy Wednesdays are back!

Every Wednesday - rain or shine (inside clubhouse if weather doesn’t permit outside).

Join us poolside to share some delicious food and amusing conversations.

Everyone is welcome. Guests do not need to bring a dish to share, but are welcome to if they choose.

Use our disposable plates and utensils, or, if you’d rather, you are welcome to bring your own reusable plates and utensils.

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Smoked BBQ Pork Fest
6:00 PM18:00

Smoked BBQ Pork Fest

aka - Don’s Famous BBQ - Hosted by Don & Jill

Menu: Competition Style Smoked Pulled Pork Shoulder,

Indiana Corn Casserole (with bacon!), Baked Beans, Salad Bar, Dessert

Vegetarian BBQ Jackfruit option available (Please indicate vegetarian preference at sign up)

$12 Adults, $7 Kids 12 and under

Use our disposable plates and utensils, or, if you’d rather, you are welcome to bring your own reusable plates and utensils.

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Steak Dinner
6:00 PM18:00

Steak Dinner

Labor Day Weekend STEAK DINNER!!!! - Presented by LOWC Entertainment

Saturday, August 1st, 6 p.m. 

$15 - cash or credit card accepted

New York Strip & Baked Potato, (both w/fixings), Corn on the Cob, Salad,

French Bread and dessert.

Vegetarian Option: Stuffed Portabello’s Please indicate on sign up sheet


Use our disposable plates and utensils, or, if you’d rather, you are welcome to bring your own reusable plates and utensils.

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Cake By The Lake
7:00 PM19:00

Cake By The Lake

This perennial favorite is where it’s at on a Friday evening. Watch the sunset from the East Pier and enjoy desserts prepared by our members. Hosted by Louise, Robyn and Susan.

Every Friday, weather dependent.

No charge, no reservation necessary.

Use our disposable plates and utensils, or, if you’d rather, you are welcome to bring your own reusable plates and utensils.

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Hordervy Wednesday
5:00 PM17:00

Hordervy Wednesday

Hordervy Wednesday’s are back!

Every Wednesday - rain or shine (inside clubhouse if weather doesn’t permit outside).

Join us poolside to share some delicious food and amusing conversations.

Everyone is welcome. Guests do not need to bring a dish to share, but are welcome to if they choose.

Use our disposable plates and utensils, or, if you’d rather, you are welcome to bring your own reusable plates and utensils.

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Pork Tenderloin Meal
6:00 PM18:00

Pork Tenderloin Meal

$12/Adults; $7/age 12 and under - cash or credit card accepted

Pork Tenderloin with mac & cheese, seasoned green beans, salad and dessert.

Use our disposable plates and utensils, or, if you’d rather, you are welcome to bring your own reusable plates and utensils.

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Cake By The Lake
7:00 PM19:00

Cake By The Lake

This perennial favorite is where it’s at on a Friday evening. Watch the sunset from the East Pier and enjoy desserts prepared by our members. Hosted by Louise, Robyn and Susan.

Every Friday, weather dependent.

No charge, no reservation necessary.

Use our disposable plates and utensils, or, if you’d rather, you are welcome to bring your own reusable plates and utensils.

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Hordervy Wednesday
5:00 PM17:00

Hordervy Wednesday

H’ordervy Wednesdays are back!

Every Wednesday - rain or shine (inside clubhouse if weather doesn’t permit outside).

Join us poolside to share some delicious food and amusing conversations.

Everyone is welcome. Guests do not need to bring a dish to share, but are welcome to if they choose.

Use our disposable plates and utensils, or, if you’d rather, you are welcome to bring your own reusable plates and utensils.

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UPDATE Pot Luck Dinner at Nature's Hollow
6:00 PM18:00

UPDATE Pot Luck Dinner at Nature's Hollow

  • Lake O' The Woods Club (South Gate (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Everyone - members and guests alike - is invited to the Nature’s Hollow Pot Luck and dee-jay’d dance to celebrate in gratitude for having another Annual Meeting behind us!

No charge for this event. Bring a dish if you like.

Use our disposable plates and utensils, or, if you’d rather, you are welcome to bring your own reusable plates and utensils.

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Cake By The Lake
7:00 PM19:00

Cake By The Lake

This perennial favorite is where it’s at on a Friday evening. Watch the sunset from the East Pier and enjoy desserts prepared by our members. Hosted by Louise, Robyn and Susan.

Every Friday, weather dependent.

No charge, no reservation necessary.

Use our disposable plates and utensils, or, if you’d rather, you are welcome to bring your own reusable plates and utensils.

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Hordervy Wednesday
5:00 PM17:00

Hordervy Wednesday

Hordervy Wednesday’s are back!

Every Wednesday - rain or shine (inside clubhouse if weather doesn’t permit outside).

Join us poolside to share some delicious food and amusing conversations.

Everyone is welcome. Guests do not need to bring a dish to share, but are welcome to if they choose.

Use our disposable plates and utensils, or, if you’d rather, you are welcome to bring your own reusable plates and utensils.

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Chinese Dinner
6:00 PM18:00

Chinese Dinner

Kim & Tim’s Chinese Dinner

Mongolian Beef, Gen’l Tso Chicken, Asian Rice, Vegetable Lo Mein,    

Asian Vegetables, Egg Roll in a Bowl, Salad & Dessert

$12/Adults; $7/age 12 and under - cash or credit card accepted

Use our disposable plates and utensils, or, if you’d rather, you are welcome to bring your own reusable plates and utensils.

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Cake By The Lake
7:00 PM19:00

Cake By The Lake

This perennial favorite is where it’s at on a Friday evening. Watch the sunset from the East Pier and enjoy desserts prepared by our members. Hosted by Louise, Robyn and Susan.

Every Friday, weather dependent.

No charge, no reservation necessary.

Use our disposable plates and utensils, or, if you’d rather, you are welcome to bring your own reusable plates and utensils.

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